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Hi! I’m Brenda, the founder of Sleepy Time Academy. I am so glad you have chosen me to help you navigate this wonderfully chaotic experience of becoming a parent.


I am a Registered Nurse with many years of experience caring for the vulnerable people in our community including the elderly, homeless and chronically ill.


I am also mum to my two beautiful daughters Amelia & Isla who were the reason I decided to extend my knowledge in the world of babies and sleep. I welcomed Amelia into this crazy world during the pandemic which limited my support network, I developed postnatal anxiety due to lack of sleep and from the major life adjustments that every parent goes through when taking on the new role of mum and dad.


I sought help through a maternal psychologist which was excellent, she gave me the tools to manage my anxiety, which turns out helps in almost every aspect of my life.


The other major change I made was reaching out to an Infant & Child Sleep Consultant. Getting the support to make changes to Amelias sleep was detrimental to my mental health, the positive change was incredible. I felt like I could be the parent that I wanted to be. Sleep was a necessity, both for me, and for Amelia.


As a certified Sleep Consultant, I understand the weight and frustration of needing help but not knowing where to turn to first. That’s why my mission is simple: give my clients the wellness education, tools and resources that they need to identify the cause of their problems, understand the processes to fix them, and put a plan together that’s personalised and effective.

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